Let Me Ask You A Simple Question

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What is the most important thing in your life right now?
Stop whatever you are doing right now and what's the first thing that comes into your mind? Your:

list of things to do
love life
financial circumstances
today's tasks
spiritual path
previous disappointments
Don't rely on my list (it's just to get you started but this list is not the issue but what comes into your mind immediately when you ask yourself this question) so - stop and ask yourself this question and then ask yourself - why did this come to your mind first?
What's your point Tim?
OK, here's another one - if you knew your next breath was going to be your last one would you answer this question differently? I'll wager the answer would be yes - unless... read on.
Let me give you a few of my favorite sayings;
-Want to make God Laugh - tell Him your plans.
-We are here for a little while and then we are gone forever.
-On the last day of your life everything is going back in the box, done.
-All you really have is your current breath.
-Don't worry about tomorrow, today is enough.
-We are all going to die - what will be your legacy?
-Fifty years from now will what is going on today really matter?
I could go on and on, but I'm sure I have made my point.
In the end none of this stuff matters; your; family, passions, memories, plans, goals, possessions, stuff - got it? Not being morbid here just wondering what drives your every moment? And I'm not implying that they are not important or valuable just that in the end only one thing really matters. Is what is important due to selfishness, self-absorption, acts of service, giving to others, living with inner peace, personal satisfaction or achievements or something else?
You have a relationship with yourself (self-respect, self-love, self-trust) and this relationship determines everything else in your life.
Treat yourself with poor self-respect and you will tend to treat others in the same way. Why? Because all of your actions, attitudes and behavior come from inside you, inside your thoughts. If you don't believe you are worthy you will bring this mindset to all of your relationships thereby attracting people who will tend to validate this self-belief in how they treat you and your inner self will agree with their judgments therefore just proving once again that you are not worthy.
Think for a moment who you have let into your life or who do you surround yourself with. How do they treat you? If they treat you with love then you can rest assured that they are doing this not because of who you are but because it is who they are. When they treat you with love and you accept their love it is because you believe and feel you are worthy of their love. But, the opposite is also true. If they abuse you with their so-called love then this is because this is who they are and you feel this is what you deserve. The key here is if you love yourself why put up with other's lack of love due not to who you are but because it is who they are?
Your relationship with yourself is the most important thing in your life as it will drive your personal, career, relationship and spiritual growth. How are you doing these days?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7929962

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